Unlike a bad haircut, poorly trimmed tree branches hardly grow back. Bad cuts expose the tree to infections that could significantly damage or kill the tree. That's why you should work with professionals when it is time to trim long, dead, or diseased branches. This piece will discuss various trimming methods that might affect your trees.
1. Flush Cuts
Trimming a branch too close to the stem weakens the tree's natural defense mechanisms. As a result, the wound will struggle to heal, leaving the tree exposed to pests, bacteria, and infections. While flush cuts may look clean and neat, they harm the tree's health and extend the recovery process. Professionals often identify the branch collar and make well-calculated cuts just above it. They often avoid a flush cut to ensure tissue stimulation around the collar to seal the opening.
2. Tree Topping
Some homeowners may cut a tree across its main stem to shorten it. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that could lead to tree death. When you cut the main stem, you eliminate a huge chunk of the tree system. As a result, the tree will struggle to recover and become weaker. Topped trees often grow sprouts that have weak branches. The undergrowth might form crowded clusters that eventually lean or fall off, causing safety hazards. Topped trees also aren't aesthetically appealing. Fortunately, the arborist can help you find a better method to shape your tree's structure. They might also recommend removing it if it is too tall instead of topping it.
3. Lion Tailing
To improve the shape and structure of a tree, you might decide to trim interior branches and keep the leaves growing at the end of the limb. This mistake often leads to decreased photosynthesis due to heavy foliage removal. It also diminishes the tree's structure due to the uneven distribution of the branches and leaves. However, you can involve a tree trimming professional to help you make precise cuts to achieve better structure for your tree.
4. Stub Cuts
While flush cuts are too close to the trunk, stub cuts are located further from the collar. They often leave an unsightly protrusion of the limb that the branch collar cannot grow over it. The stub eventually dies. Professionals make cuts not too far or too close to the branch collar.
Tree trimming requires experience and skills to do it right. As shown above, these mistakes could lead to the premature death of the trees. You might want to schedule an appointment with the tree trimming professionals such as Aspen Tree Service, LLC. if you have concerns about your trees.