If you are a homeowner who loves your trees, it may be hard for you to think about ever cutting them down. While there are many advantages to having trees, such as providing shade and shelter, there may be times when the tree has to get removed.
Here are four important reasons you may have to consider tree removal.
1. Your Trees Are Diseased
Because trees are living things, they are susceptible to getting certain diseases.
If a previous owner of your home didn't plan very well and planted some trees too close to the house or other structures on your property, then use these professional arborist tips to prune them back safely.
Tip: Remove All Growth within a Foot of Your Home
Start the tree pruning process by working from the ground. Walk between the tree and your home and remove all growth that comes within a foot of your house.
Honeysuckle is a perennial that is known for its fragrant blooms and its vine-like appearance. If you would like to add color, depth, and a pleasant scent to the corner of your yard, install an arbor and plant honeysuckle next to it. As the plants mature, each vine will wrap around the arbor's posts and lattice covering.
Perform Some Maintenance
Some basic lawn maintenance should be performed before installing an arbor or planting honeysuckle.
Your home may have an abundance of shrubs, flowers, and trees blanketing your property. They not only provide shade during the hot summer months, but they also give birds a place to nest, and they brighten up the appearance of your yard. You do need to have your trees and shrubs pruned, however, to keep them healthy and to potentially prevent them from damaging your home during any severe weather.
A crepe myrtle is a beautiful and durable tree that adds appeal and value to your landscape design. In the summer season, the tree produces large and colorful floral blooms, which enhance your curb appeal even further. Unfortunately, certain issues may arise, preventing your tree from blooming. With this guide, you will learn a few reasons your crepe myrtle is not blooming.
1. Insufficient Moisture
Even though the crepe myrtle thrives in full sun, it needs a good amount of moisture to keep it healthy and thriving.